Thanks for visiting! This is an archive of my Honors Portfolio for the University of Cincinnati's Honors Program. I graduated from UC in April 2018 and began a PhD program in physics at Harvard University in August 2018. For up-to-date information about my research, publications, teaching, and outreach please visit my new site.

Hanging out in Montmartre, Paris with the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur
My name is Madelyn Leembruggen. I am a senior at the University of Cincinnati and I am double majoring in Astrophysics and Mathematics. I am a Cincinnatus Scholar and also a Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation Scholar. I also have the privilege of representing my school as an ambassador for McMicken College of Arts & Sciences and the Univeristy Honors Program.
I have always loved learning, especially science. I was homeschooled for nine years by a communications specialist and aerospace engineer-- my mom and dad. They helped nurture my passion for learning by teaching me to think logically and never take "I don't know" for an answer. This proverb came especially in handy when I began researching with a theoretical cosmology group!
I spend all the extra money I have on books and traveling. Classic 20th century novels are my go-tos and I'll read anything recommended to me. Spring semester 2016 I studied abroad at University College Cork, Ireland and made it to 11 other European countries throughout the semester. After a seminar in fall semester 2016, I was able to visit Paris, France with my classmates for a week of learning throughout the city!
Whenever I can, I make the time to get involved in my local, national, and global community. I love serving in my own neighborhoods (Troy, Dayton, and Cincinnati, OH), throughout my country (Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia), and all over the world (Haiti, Jamaica, and Cork, Ireland). I helped write a grant to buy medical supplies for a local medical equipment ministry, and also won a grant to start a recycling program from scratch at my junior and senior high school.
My ultimate professional goal is to earn a PhD in cosmology. My dream job would be to teach at a university and write popular science books, but I plan on keeping my mind open to other intriguing opportunities. I am excited to continue pursuing my professional goal, but until then, I am still working toward my personal goals of being kind to every person I encounter, traveling as many places as I can, and reading every book ever published.

Playing improvised volleyball with some kids from a neighborhood in Philly.

Hanging out with some of the guests at a men's shelter in Chicago, Illinois

Leading mission trips for 5-12th grade in downtown Dayton, Ohio

Playing improvised volleyball with some kids from a neighborhood in Philly.